Catégorie : Divers

Cette catégorie très dense contient des sujets de société autour de la danse. Elle est très intéressante pour développer votre culture et vision du monde de la danse.
Elle n’ est pas spécifique à la salsa mais touche aussi les autres danses sur salsalovers Paris

Music Genres

This is a list of some of the world’s music genre and their definitions. African Folk – Music held to be typical of a nation or ethnic group, known to all segments of its...

Benefits of Social Dancing

Social dancing is a wonderful activity that benefits people of all ages. Whether it be Ballroom, Salsa, Swing, Tango, Hustle… there are many benefits to incorporating dance into your daily life, including fitness, emotional...

How People Perceive Musicians

There are lots of misunderstandings about musicians. These misconceptions exist even in educated societies around the world. While they apply to artists in general, our focus here is with music. One misconception is that...