Beginners Guide To Salsa Dancing

Are you a newcomer to salsa dancing? Then you are perhaps having a mixed feeling of nervousness and enthusiasm at the idea of having your first salsa class. You should also believe that everybody else in your class will be a newcomer, a starter like you, and they will also be going through the same feelings you are.

Given below are a few important tips you should consider before you attend the first salsa lesson.

• Timing is very important, so always turn up on time because doing it at the last moment causes the classes to start late. Showing up after the lesson has started is not good to you, your teacher and your mates.

• Always give respect to your teacher by giving concentration when your salsa teacher is talking.

• Such dancing is fun, and your instructor will do his or her best to make you realize that, and never gets frustrated if you feel that you are not doing well as you had hoped.

• Salsa is a social type of dancing, and you should feel comfortable asking your mate to dance, that’s why everybody is there.

• Dress in a casual way, and it should be comfortable when you get warm.

• Before dancing, make sure you get shower and use deodorant because you will annoy your partner if you have body odour. Though, your mates won’t say anything, however they will not prefer to dance with you.

• As, it’s a close contact dancing, hence think about your dress, and avoid accessories because things like jewelry, or belts, etc. can scratch or snag your mate’s clothing.

• Similarly, taking alcoholic beverages before your class is not recommended at all.

• As men are generally taller and stronger than women, so try not to get too carried away due to excitement. You dance partners should be relaxed and enjoy their dance without getting worried about being hurt.

• It is not uncommon for women to ask the men to dance; hence there should not be any excuse for anyone not getting a dance during the salsa lessons.

Salsa dancing is good for everyone, as its fun and you get social with your mates, learn new things, learn how to deal with various people, and learn to cooperate with your partner. You also learn to groom well, besides the dance movements will keep your body in a good shape.

The given steps will help you a lot during your salsa dance.

Source by Anni Eh

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